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Adobe needs no introduction. At the start of the pandemic, I was approached by Adobe to be 1 of 3 designers to kickstart their Create Forward Campaign. Aimed to introduce Illustrator for iPad as well as give back to the creative community


The aim of the campaign was to highlight an illustrator you admired, so as a strong follower of Michael Fugoso (@fugstrator) I chose him. I then had to use the new software on iPad and create a piece inspired by them. Space was the theme given this is such a key part of his work. 


Once the main image was done, we used the assets created in the piece to advertise the other parts of the campaign. This was to host a live stream of me using the software via their Behance page along with making a full tutorial on YouTube going over my process of making the piece for the campaign. In total, it got over 100,000 views upon the launch of the Illustrator for iPad software. Check out the video here

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